(IN) MACAÚBA Produção de mudas de macaúba em sistema simplificado


Production of macauba seedlings in a simplified system 


  • Macauba productive chain.
  • Processing sector – agro-industry.
  • Bioenergy, food, hygiene, cosmetics and oleochemical sectors.


Simplified process of producing macauba seedlings directly in a nursery, with pre-germinated seeds, without the need of greenhouse facilities nor seedling in tubes.


  • Production of seedlings close to the planting site, with a reduction of 90 days in the production cycle and 50% of the cost of the seedling production.
  • Small-scale production, which favors the entrance of family- based rural producers and traditional communities in the production chain.


  • Codevelop | Research with us this technology.
  • Incubate | Make this technology the basis of your incubated company.

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